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About My Websites

A photo of Sharon Sivinski who is thinking about her 2 websites, (teach climate change videos) and ( a collection of profiles of diverse scientsts)rg

About Sharon Sivinski

Okay. Admit it. You’re wondering why you should listen to me. I’d be asking that too (if I wasn’t me). Here’s a list of some of my really fun and challenging teaching experiences.

  • Designed, implemented, and ran the Water Conservation Education Program for the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority, which won “Best Public Outreach and Communication Award” from the Water Environment Federation; as well as “Best Public Information and Education Award” from the National Association of Clean Water Agencies.

  • Taught math and science in classrooms from grades 1 – college.

  • Designed, implemented and ran the Camp-In program at the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science.

  • BS (I know what you’re thinking, because my friends and family think it too) in Biology, Masters in English – Rhetoric and Writing, specifically Science Writing.

I live in New Mexico with my dashing husband (who edited this text for me), Cog-the-Science-Dog, and my water bear friends that I find everywhere.

About Cog the Science Dog© 2023

The name "Cog" comes from the the word cognition, meaning the process of knowing or acquiring knowledge. My dogs are always curious and love to acquire knowledge, hence, Cog-the-Science-Dog. But Cog's a working dog. His job is to defuse anxiety by making us laugh.

The @STEMwithCog videos grew out of my experience teaching in a private school where half the student body did not trust science and the other half were kids of scientists and engineers from the local laboratory. I really get it. Science teachers have a big responsibility that's tough to navigate. And climate change is a real can of worms, a scary can of worms. Students need a place to get information in a calm, non-threatening way that doesn't scare the pants off them. Cog the Science Dog can help!


Teaching such different populations made me realize that just about everybody internalizes science concepts best when they see it in action and can make it work themselves. That's why I do a demo in each video. They can be watched as Next Gen Science Standards (NGSS) phenomena to start a lesson. Or they could be turned into experiments in your classroom.  And I've included middle school lesson plans with links to delve a little deeper into the climate change conversation if you wish.

​  is another website project of mine. It's a collection of written profiles  about diverse STEAM professionals working in diverse STEM fields. Each profile includes a list of books related to that field of study for curious upper elementary students.

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